ALS now proudly offers accredited iodine urine analysis at our laboratory in Luleå, Sweden. The test is performed by high resolution ICP-MS (ICP-SFMS). In addition to the actual testing ALS will also supply clients with sampling containers and sampling instructions. The analysis is accredited for urine from both human and animal origin.

ALS Scandinavia also offers accredited analysis of 67 additional metals in clinical samples. Please click here to see our analytical packages.

Technical summary

Parameter LOQ Standard TAT Accredited
I, iodine 10 µg/l 6-10 workdays Yes, ISO 17025

Why iodine test in urine?

Iodine is excreted in urine. An insufficient intake of iodine may cause numerous IDDs, iodine deficiency disorders. Iodine deficiency is a common health problem in developing countries and may cause reduced fertility, brain damage, stunted growth of children and more.