ALS Scandinavia offer a wide range of metal speciation analyses by LC-HG-ICPMS and GC-ICP-MS. Our laboratory has more than a decade of experience in metal speciation testing and is specialized in measuring the most toxic arsenic (As), mercury (Hg), selenium (Se) and organotin (OTC) compounds. ALS Scandinavia offers accredited metal speciation analyses of:
- Soil, sediment and sludge
- Water
- Biota
- Food and feed
- Blood, urine and serum
Testing capabilities
- Inorganic and organic arsenic - Arsenite, arsenate, dimethylarsinate & monomethylarsonate
- Methylmercury
- Selenite & selenate
- Organotin compounds - MBT, DBT, TBT, TTBT, MOT, DOT, TCHT, MPhT, DPhT & TPhT
By combining our cutting-edge technology, experience and in-house research, ALS can offer you the latest in the field of metals speciation. Please read more about our metal metal speciation analyses or contact us for more information.
Why metal speciation?
The toxicity, bioavailability and mobility of certain elements are to a large extent determined by the form in which it is present. Consequently, a metal speciation analysis can provide valuable extra information compared to traditional total concentrations.
Over the last few years, new legislation and guidelines have also started introducing threshold values for organotin compounds, inorganic arsenic, methylmercury and more.

Contact us!
Do you have questions or request a quote? Please send us a message and we will get in touch with you soon.