Accredited analysis of 68 elements in blood, serum, plasma and urine
Measuring the levels of metals in clinical samples, often referred to as biomonitoring, is required in a variety of fields. Medicine, occupational health studies and therapeutic research, to name but a few, all rely on such information.
Due to the high toxicity of some elements, measurements at very low levels are often required. ALS Scandinavia has nearly 15 years of experience of analyzing human biological matrices using high resolution ICP-MS (ICP-SFMS) and we are now proud to offer accredited analyses of 68 elements in whole blood, plasma, serum and urine. Combined with our isotope- and elemental speciation capabilities, this gives ALS Scandinavia a comprehensive portfolio for analyses of clinical samples.
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About biomonitoring
Biomonitoring is a technique for assessing human exposure to compounds in the environment.
By directly analyzing human tissues or body fluids, information can be provided as to whether exposure to particular substances has taken place, as well as giving indications of the magnitude of, and temporal variations in any exposure.
Biomonitoring data can identify environmental pollutants that have increased in concentration to levels detectable in humans, and thus contribute to the discovery of new sources of this kind of substance. Biomonitoring results can also be used in medicine to diagnose patients exposed to excessive amounts of chemicals in e.g. the working environment.

ALS capabilities
ALS Scandinavia’s laboratory in Luleå, Sweden, has been specially designed for trace and ultra-trace elemental analyses, as well as metal speciation. We currently operate 14 ICP-SFMS instruments, each instrument being assigned a specific suite of carefully selected sample types in order to minimize risks for inter-sample contamination. Read more here.
Analyses of organic contaminants in human biological samples are performed by the North American Centre of Excellence in Edmonton, Canada. The Centre for Excellence laboratory offers the most advanced analytical, toxicological and technical capabilities for conducting trace organic characterizations, and full dioxin testing in addition to GLP pesticide/herbicide testing.